Made2Walk is a social impact organization focused on pedestrian safety in relation to the traffic and the built environment.
History: Made2Walk sprung as Ana's Walking Action Plan at the end of the Walking College fellowship in 2017. While the fellowship has only focused on a simple pedestrian safety campaign, over time it evolved into a full time venture to take pedestrian safety advocacy to a new level with the help of local and national partners.
How you can support: Hire, invite, attend, share, purchase! All proceeds from the Store support the pro-bono work, the collection of Pedestrian stories, and the advocacy efforts where Made2Walk travels and where it is invited.
I have used walking as a means of transportation for many years, particularly while growing up and working in Romania. After a pedestrian vs. car crash, I became a walking advocate, helping others experience walking as a means of staying healthy and speaking out to make walking and rolling accessible and safe for all. I hold a Masters of Public Health and I'm a 2017 alumna of the Walking College fellowship.
I am founder of Made2Walk, member of the Walk2Connect Collaborative, program director for Longmont Walks, a mentor in the national Walking College program, member of the American Public Health Association, Commissioner on City of Longmont’s Planning and Zoning Commission, and actively engaged in accessibility issues in my community, serving on several task forces.
VALUES: MADE2WALK adopts the Walk2Connect values
1. We cultivate genuine connection by creating opportunities for people to encounter and get to know one another, enrich their own internal sense of self and spirit, and creatively engage with the places in their lives on foot (or by wheelchair).
2. We build grassroots community by fostering respectful relationships and trust in all of our programs, from the bottom up.
3. We exemplify healthy movement by aiding the transition toward a more walk-friendly world one step at a time and inviting participants in our cooperative to move in and out of roles as their lives progress and change.
4. We stand for equity and inclusiveness at every level, recognizing that walking is a fundamental human behavior and right - the very foundation of our way of engaging with the world. We deliberately include and engage people of color, people with disabilities, newcomers, older individuals, and other marginalized communities in our work to create a more human and connected world.
5. And as a cooperative social business, we demonstrate interdependence by practicing democratic decision-making and going beyond the triple bottom line to employ numerous forms of capital that recognize the value of every contribution.